NCMA has been dedicated to healthcare for nearly 20 years. We have worked tirelessly to insure our members are well prepared and understand the damage of pre-analytical errors. We have worked tirelessly to make sure that you, who earned our certifications are the best in the industry.
Now, more than ever, we need our Healthcare workers on the front line. If you have allowed your certifications to expire, we want to offer you an opportunity to renew them temporarily for six months. At the end of this six month period, if you have are working in healthcare, we will allow you to renew on a case by case basis.
We want to be able to offer our local hospitals and healthcare facilities a well trained workforce to support the doctors and nurses who are on the front line. We must be able to supply healthcare workers who understand infection control, who can put PPEs on and take them off safely, and who understand the basics of healthcare.
If you are interested in a temporary renewal, we are charging a $50 renewal fee. You must click here and take a brief Corona Virus course before you can renew your certification. This course will take you approximately 15 minutes. You also must review an additional course on Infection Control, also 15 minutes. We will review each member, on a case by case basis, the reissue of permanent certification at the end of the 6 month temporary extension.
Please be safe. Please be strong.