This Medical practitioner work to restore structure and function of injured or damage tissue or organs. The goal of this medical Approach is to maximize the oxyhemoglobin cellular transition through the red blood cell and organ tissue thus helping in cellular respiration using ozone therapy, UV light, MOXA, Clinical Medical Massage, reflexology, acupuncture and biochemistry of detoxification of environmental toxic exposure. Only international Doctors, Nurses, Physicians, Naturopathic Medical Doctors working in the United States under license Physician will be able to challenge this credential by being tested on biochemistry detoxification and have completed extensive training and continuing education in this ever-changing field in nutritional and medical intravenous support.
UV Light + Ozone in COVID-19 Patients
We had seen that people with viral infection will get secondary bacterial infections. So, UV light, ozone just add a positive acidic pH reversal plus antimicrobial effect to blood irradiated cells. But this is just a hypothesis from me further study must be done.
Why this infection occurred?
Because virus denudes the respiratory epithelium and then bacteria moves in as an opportunistic infection.
Ultraviolet Light Types
- UV -> causes cancer/ melanoma
- UVB -> stimulates carbon bond biochemical reaction for the Vitamin D inactive to be Vitamin D active
- UVC -> kills bacteria virus
- Route of transmission
- Must pass a written science exam
- Fill a peer review by licensed NP or Physician
- At least have 15 years of practice
Up to date
- Phlebotomy Certification
- IV Certification
- BLS/AED Certification by AHA
$ 500.00
Renewal Fee
$500.00 every three years